Our Sustainability in Education blog series is created by our Head of Operations Claire Gilbert, who has recently been certified Carbon Literate. Part two takes us back to the classroom, learning from our Classroom Expert and award winning eco-coordinator Edd Moore about the impact the children have made at his school and beyond.
Our Sustainability in Education blog series is created by our Head of Operations Claire Gilbert, who has recently been certified Carbon Literate. Part one reports on the DfE’s views on its 2022 sustainability strategy, covering why education is so critical to meeting the climate challenge.
Summer intern Maddy reflects on the skills she’s developed and the challenges she’s taken on in her second month at Oriel Square.
On a recent project, we produced a unique font, tailored to the needs of young children learning how to write.
Summer intern Maddy reflects on her first month at Oriel Square.
Sam Derby shares why the return to in-person industry events and meetings has reinforced the power of face-to-face connection and communication.
Our SEND Classroom Expert Sophie Hill shares her view on the SEND review currently open for consultation.
Oriel Square believes in productive hours, not long hours. Here we look at what our four-day week means for our team and our clients.
Oriel Square’s Design Manager Rebekkah Hughes shares her top tips for writing successful design briefs in five simple steps.
Our EdTech Classroom Expert Greg Hughes shares how he implemented a tech revolution at his school and trust.
Case study: Producing international kindergarten materials on a recent project for Collins.
Education can transform lives for the better, and teachers are at the heart of that. That’s why we are launching our Teacher Research Group – to bring us and our clients closer to the forefront of education.