Off2Class white paper

Off2Class's English for All report cover

Off2Class white paper

Oriel Square worked with Off2Class to produce a report celebrating the successes of two initiatives delivering English lessons to learners in conflict zones, through research-based evidence.

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Off2Class white paper

Oriel Square worked with Off2Class to produce a report that celebrated the successes of two ELT initiatives through research-based evidence, and highlighted where there was an opportunity to go further. Targeted at policy-makers, investors and the media, the report communicates the effectiveness of the English language learning programmes globally, including case studies from the US and from the Middle East.  

Off2Class is an EdTech platform which aims to provide high-quality ESL (English as a second language) digital content. The company partnered with the Ismaili Community on a successful pilot to deliver English lessons to learners in conflict zones and worked with Tulsa Public Schools in the US to deliver lesson content to refugee students. 

We put together the report content plan using interviews conducted by the client, and preliminary quantitative results from the programme in the three conflict zones. Our team then built on this earlier research by interviewing key stakeholders and analysing the full set of results from the programme coordinators to author the report. 

It was important that the human stories of the programmes shone through and that the report would generate interest and enthusiasm among policy-makers and investors. We worked with Off2Class, their partners, and key stakeholders for approval and feedback and our in-house design team created a final report that worked with the client’s existing branding. We also created an infographic and blog post to accompany the main report, which enabled Off2Class to present its findings to a wider audience. 

It was great to work with the Off2Class team who are passionate about learning and making a difference through English. We’re proud to have had our work on this project featured in the BESA and Educate Ventures report on the use of effective evidence in EdTech. 

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Off2Class's English for All report cover