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Improving Literacy and Oracy Outcomes: a MAT’s Story

Shareen Wilkinson, Executive Director of Education at LEO Academy Trust, talks with Keira Moulding about LEO’s journey to improve literacy outcomes.

This is an extract from Education Insights, Issue 6: English and Literacy. Subscribe to read the article in full and unlock access to our quarterly insights reports.

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Contributors: Shareen Wilkinson is Executive Director of Education and leads curriculum, teaching and learning, and assessment across LEO Academy Trust’s schools. Shareen has an extensive track record of raising standards in primary schools and is an established educational author with specialisms in English, assessment, teaching and learning, and leadership.

Q: How do literacy and oracy fit into raising standards in your primary schools?

There are two sides to raising standards: academic and non-academic. On the academic side, we ensure all of our teachers are trained to support pupil performance. We give teachers the knowledge and understanding to support students in accessing the SATs tests.

Writing – and the impact of oracy on writing skills – has been a huge focus for us over the four years I’ve been at LEO.

Writing – and the impact of oracy on writing skills – has been a huge focus for us over the four years I’ve been at LEO. By using an evidence-informed approach, and looking at impact and sustainability, we’re now in the top five MAT-level rankings in the country for reading, writing and mathematics.

The non-academic side is informed by our belief in a holistic approach, especially for the most disadvantaged students. We focus on opportunities to embed the physical aspect of oracy through drama clubs, presenting at national conferences – such as the BETT show – and enrichment activities.

Q: What key strategies has LEO put in place to improve primary literacy outcomes?

We want to embed literacy to achieve excellence and quality across the curriculum. Three years ago we implemented a teaching and learning improvement strategy across all subjects, first by making sure that all teachers are trained in the teaching of writing, and in teaching and learning methods overall. These methods include… Subscribe to keep reading Shareen’s interview and find out what four stands LEO is focusing on to integrate oracy skills into the curriculum.