The best educational materials:
content delivery for education
Creating the best educational products and services to deliver transformation through education.
- Adaptation for new markets
- Commissioning, creative development and author management
- Curriculum and content maps
- Cultural, linguistic and sensitivity adaptations
- Design for covers, pages, assets and fonts
- New titles, series or digital resources
- Publishing process improvement or audit
- Programme and project management
- Reversioned titles, series or digital resources
- User experience improvements

“Excellent communication, proactive management of update meetings, sharing of agendas, minutes and a trusted team who can get on with the task with little support.”
Oriel Square client
Designing and delivering high-quality, effective educational content is at the heart of what we do. We know how to deliver, and we know when – and when not – to innovate.
We start by understanding why the project is important to you and your audience. So that we can always offer you real specialism, whatever the subject, format or geography, we maintain the best network of education professionals in the industry from which our in-house project leaders build expert teams to give a perfect fit for each project. Through transparent communication, teams motivated by educational outcomes, and intelligent responsiveness to change, we deliver on your goals every time.
Get in Touch“It is great to work with high-calibre, proactive staff, who integrate well into the project team.”
Content Delivery Manager
Collins IGCSE Malay for Cambridge International Assessment
Oriel Square worked with local teams in Malaysia to produce content for the IGCSE Malay syllabus endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE).
Read moreHodder Education Group online resources
As learning pivoted online at the start of the pandemic, we worked with Hodder Education Group to produce a set of online resources for schools.
Read moreArk Maths Mastery programmes
We worked with ARK Curriculum Plus to support in reviewing and making updates to one of their research-informed curriculum programmes.
Read morePearson The Life of Dr Harold Moody eBook
Reproducing a booklet about the life of Dr Harold Moody as a free online resource for schools, on behalf of Pearson.
Read moreCollins international kindergarten materials
For this multi-component project, we worked with Collins to create a new kindergarten course for the international market.
Read moreCollins Happy Handwriting resources
We worked with Collins to produce a handwriting course which guides progression from Reception to Year 6.
Read moreOnline CPD modules for IBMS
Working with Carina Consulting to produce CPD eLearning modules for The Institute of Biomedical Science.
Read morePrimary literacy publishing for FFT
Delivering two publishing projects for FFT’s primary literacy offering: a set of phonically-decodable readers for KS1 and a Reciprocal Reading anthology for KS2.
Read moreT level resources and publishing process
Designing a publishing process and developing T level resources.
Read moreStrategic planning
Working with you and your team to identify, research and develop opportunities for new or adapted products, services or markets.
Read morecommunications
Providing market and educational insight that answers your questions, communicates your impact and supports your customers.
Read moreimplementation
Creating the best educational products and services to deliver transformation through education.
Read more