Expert professional development for the education industry, tailored to your context:
professional development that’s right for you
Start learning from experts who understand your organisation and the education market you work in.
Each course – sharing up-to-date best practices and delivered by an expert in that area – will give you the tools to start using what you’ve learned straight away.

Benefit from an engaging, in-person and collaborative learning experience, with access to follow-up advice.
Our courses reflect our values: they’re handpicked to promote diversity, sustainability and effective leadership within the education industry, with the overall purpose of supporting better teaching and learning.
Learn best practice for project leadership in educational publishing.
Duration: 1 day | Format: Face-to-face
Face-to-face Content delivery Project management
Learn to build effective agile processes in order to deliver value more effectively to customers.
Duration: 1 day | Format: Face-to-face
Face-to-face Content delivery Personal development
A hands-on factual introduction to the state of AI in education.
Duration: 1 day | Format: Face-to-face
Face-to-face Education Insights
Learn what authentic representation is and how it’s achieved in educational content development.
Duration: 1 day | Format: Face-to-face
Values and culture change Content delivery Face-to-face
Develop your writing and storytelling skills to engage your audience and convey your message with impact.
Duration: Half-day | Format: Face-to-face
Face-to-face Content delivery
Interested in bespoke professional development or team bookings? Email our PD coordinator at
trusted by the most successful education organisations
After eight years of providing strategic planning, professional development, communications and implementation services to education organisations, 100% of our clients are “likely” or “extremely likely” to recommend us. We work with major publishers, ministries and their agencies, start-ups, EdTech suppliers, charities, and professional organisations. Our clients are big and small, in the UK and worldwide.
“Very accommodating and flexible. John and Sam provided engaging well-run sessions and a great deal of relevant experience.”
Course delegate
“The background in publishing and experience of the education sector, coupled with research expertise, is a big win.”
Head of Insight
“They have enormous credibility … [and] strong publishing and market expertise, so straight away you feel reassured.”
Primary Publishing Director
“[Oriel Square’s course was] personal, face-to-face and, most importantly, relevant to our business and our needs.”
Course delegate
“You trust and have confidence in their process and expertise; the quality of people being used; the quality of the output; doing things in the right way. As a [content services provider], we’re very confident in their services. … I tend to think of it as somewhere to go when I need help.”
Managing Director of School Qualifications
“Sam is extremely discreet and highly credible – all of my team listened carefully to him as he delivered a workshop. They were respectful of his approach and his experience and fed back very positively on the whole day. Nothing was missing or at all disappointing.”
Course delegate
“Efficient and friendly. Guided our organisation through the process as publishing newbies.”
Senior Education Policy Adviser
“Oriel Square have a really good understanding of how a publishing company works.”
Primary and Secondary Publishing Director
“The tutor was very straightforward to work with. Came back to and with queries very quickly, which kept the course organisation flowing.”
Course delegate
“You trust and have confidence in their process and expertise; doing things in the right way. We’re very confident in their services.”
Managing Director of School Qualifications
“[I valued] The opportunity to talk on a one-to-one basis on a specific issue with someone who understands the context in which my organisation is operating.”
“You have to understand the commercial side in education to advise on the policy side because there are so many vested interests. They understand it, because they have a very good client list.”
Head of Education Programme
“We’re a quirky organisation, and not everyone understands [us], and [OS] was really good at understanding us, some of the constraints we have that other organisations don’t.”
“We’ve been impressed by Oriel Square’s consistently high-quality output.”
Paul Charman, Managing Director, FFT
“They have a really good understanding of how a publishing company works, probably because they have a lot of people who’ve come from that background.”
Primary Publishing Director
“Oriel Square understands the education environment.”
Education Development Director

Start learning from experts who understand your organisation and the education market you work in.
Not found what you’re looking for? Our leadership team, senior associates and world-leading specialists develop and deliver programmes for individuals and teams. Our lead consultants work with you to understand what would be most useful to you and your team and then design and deliver bespoke programmes to meet those needs.
Email our PD coordinator at or browse our bespoke professional development programmes:
bespoke Professional development